So, who the heck are you working with….?


It me! I’m Carrie, your soon-to-be partner in design for all of your wildest wedding invitation design dreams.

Born in San Antonio, TX, then Undergrad at TCU (Go Frogs!) in Fort Worth, TX, then an honorary Wildcat at The U of Arizona in Tucson, AZ, and now back to good ‘ol DF-dubya it’s safe to say part of my heart is in Texas, and part is still in Arizona.

I’m a desert rat at heart and LOVE cactus (plant shops love me, plants hate me). I’m a cocktail connoisseur and love to tinker with a new recipe every weekend. I’m an avid rugby fan and have traveled to Tokyo, Kyoto, Kobe, Lima, Cusco, Paris, and London for adventure and rugby alike. Next stop? I’ve always had Scotland on my bucket list! I showed Quarter Horses for over 12 years and currently have my old show jackets that my mom painted and hand-stoned in Swarovski crystals (fancy!!) shadowboxed in my dining room. One of the jackets was on display at the Dallas Museum of Art for a period of time, too!

Claim to fame: One time I was a part of a team that helped return a multi-million dollar painting after it had been missing 30+ years in an art heist! Casual, right? I joke that’s when I peaked in life… I was 24 at the time, ha! Read the New York Times article here!

Biggest regret: Not starting BLL sooner. I used to roll my eyes at catchy phrases like “if you can dream it you can do it”. It just didn’t feel like ME, but truly, my advice (even though you didn’t come here for it), just do it. Take that leap. Publish that webpage. Ask that person out. Go for a raise. Get bangs (ok, maybe not always a good idea). You’ll be surprised how liberating it feels. You got this.

So, there it is. Me and my story on the innerwebs. I share this because wedding invitation design can have such sentiment and personality behind it, and I look forward to working as a team to help you capture and share the highest-quality details for your special moments.

Catch ya on the flippity flop!


Oh, and as for the support squad up top? As they say, “I get by with a little help from my friends.”

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